Online Coaching
“For the Busy, Determined & Virtually Inclinded”
If you’re wanting to improve your health, fitness & wellness but find yourself stuck saying:
“I would, but i’m just too Busy”
”I’d love to start Personal Training but my Schedule is just too Sporadic as I work FIFO”
”I want to take my Health seriously, but I’ll be moving away from this gym soon and I don’t want to ‘stop / find a new PT’ when things are going well”
"I’m serious about getting started but i’d rather coaching from the comfort of my home”
4 - Week Online Workout Challenge
The Perfect way to get your Health & Fitness back on track!
- Workout with the team via online workouts - simply open on your device and join in!
- Workout in the comfort of your own home (minimal equipment required)
- For all Ages & Fitness Levels
- Nutritional Guidance
- 4-week home-workout Program
*Includes Bonus Wellness Activities
*Prizes up for grabs!
Use coupon code: [ 4-WEEK-TRIAL ] and get started for $9.99
Get Started
Here’s How to become UNSTUCK:
Improve your Health, Fitness and Wellness
[ Anywhere - Anytime ]
Our Health, Fitness & Wellness all go hand-in-hand with our Psychological health, emotional health and overall wellbeing.
The option to hire a Health and Fitness Coach should be available for everyone, however, quite often … it is not.
Some people feel uncomfortable speaking up and asking for help,
Some can’t afford it,
Some are too busy,
Some have had poor past experiences with alternative Coaches
Some just haven’t put that much thought into what life could be like when ones’ Health & Fitness is at an optimal/more balanced level (it can literally transform your life for the better - it’s been proven)
Online or even Hybrid Coaching where % of sessions are delivered in-gym and others online may be the option for you, but first,
Are you eligible for becoming “unstuck” - If you answer Yes to any statements below - YOU’RE IN LUCK and can be UNSTUCK!
I want to improve my Health, Fitness and Wellness, and I DO have at least 60 minutes per week (this can be any day / any time) that I can dedicate towards my Health, Fitness & Wellness.
I have a sporadic work schedule, but, if there was a PT or Health Coach that could accommodate this constant variation and support me through bringing balance to my life, I’d be open to exploring these options.
I want to get started, but i’m a little nervous and probably don’t have enough money anyway, but, if I could get started on my own for free (in the comfort of my own home) and for free/low cost then i’d definitely get started right away - and then reach out to a PT when i’m ready to take the next step on my Journey.
I believe that being truly Healthy and Fit is part of the most fundamental components to living a happy and well-balanced life.
If you answered Yes to any of the statements above, the next step is to Take Action,
It’s your choice,
Become Unstuck Now - Take Action for Free
[ 7x Day Health & Fitness Fitness Challenge ]
For people wanting to centre themselves around their health, fitness and wellness or simply give themselves an extra challenge for the week.
BONUS: Anyone who Conquers the challenge, and provides evidence to their coach will receive 10% off their first Coaching Session.
-> You’ll receive access to your 7xDay Health & Fitness Challenge upon booking in your “Challenge-Walk-Through” session. Link to program in [confirmation email].
Bonus 2: receive a shout on instagram too if you’re into that kind of thing.[ Online/Hybrid Health, Fitness & Wellness Coaching ]
For people who are ready to take the next step and wanting to talk through the best options toward becoming a healthier and fitter version of yourself.
Complimentary Discovery Call (Online - Health & Fitness Guru Program).[Self-Optimisation Challenge]
For those who are ready to take things up a notch and hone in on their Personal and Professional development and ultimately bring about a more effective balance into our lives for optimal performance and opportunity.
Our PT’s are experienced in GetFit-PTs’ Signature Programs, which means, if you move location and start at a new gym or with a new PT - you can pick up where you left off (or continue online).
All GetFit-PT Signature Programs can be delivered entirely Online, or via a Hybrid approach (Discuss the hybrid option with your Coach to fully customise your Training Strategy).
Become Your Very Own Health & Fitness Guru
PT’s say they’ll teach you about your Nutrition, but, they don’t really find the moment to sit down with you and explain some of the fundamental basics that allow you to realise how much control you have in achieving your health and fitness goals for life… when some of the basics are understood, it’s really quite simple.
Become your Very Own Health & Fitness Guru Program is delivered face-face or virtually. The program guides you through literally creating your very own - 100% personalised, “Diet” and “Workout” Plans - it’s that simple.
Self-Optimisation Challenge [SOC]
24 week challenge. Designed with Optimization in mind.
A structured guide designed to bring those inner more “effective” and “efficient” traits you possess to the surface.
This challenge is:
“Those things you say you should do or will get to, but seem to forget about… like, you know they’d be super beneficial for your day to day and you want to try them and maybe build them into a habit, but just didn’t… this challenge can be liberating !
“Online Coaching at GetFit-PT was exactly what I needed during my FIFO work.”
James Thorn
“My trainer was so sweet and supportive of me, even when I wasn’t up for the challenge, she really got me going ‘Always take the first step, the rest takes care of itself’ life changing <3 Thank you!”
Kim Sheer
“The H&F Guru Program is by far the most advanced and holistic Personal Training Program I have ever experienced - It’s a must try”
Channing Lee