Callum Findlay-Chard

Personal Bio 

My passion for health and fitness started from a young age, engaging with any and every sport in my reach, from swimming to soccer, gymnastics, rugby, mountain biking, volleyball and more, but finding my love for the gym and challenging myself with functional weight training in my mid-teens. As an adult, I turned my focus toward Health, Fitness and Wellness coaching as my day-day. I started by focusing on the personal development of my Clients throughout their health and fitness journeys.

Now, I help Personal Trainers make transformational relationships with their Clients through their own Personal & Professional Development within the PT’s Performance Platform.

I’m open to Self-Optimisation Challengers, who are truly determined and committed to growth - lets go!


Exercise & Sports Scientist

Personal Training Educator [RTO]

REACH Practitioner

NLP Practitioner

Massage Therapist

Contact Information

Phone Number: 0430576503
